Anne (00:00):
Hi, Thea.
Thea (00:06):
Hi, Anne.
Anne (00:06):
So today let’s, let’s talk briefly about some of our experience that we think might be worth sharing with folks. And the perspective it’s provided us having just moved from California. And I want to, first of all, make clear, as you pointed out is important, that we each were planning to move from California for awhile.
Anne (00:40):
These plans were already in place before all this happened this year. And I want to also point out that we were raising our families there. Both my kids were born in California. I was there for 15 years. Thea?
Thea (00:58):
I was there for 20 and all but one of my children were born there, though they were all raised there.
Anne (01:06):
And my husband and I planned certainly to raise our kids to adulthood there in our family home. We did not want to leave the apparent paradise of California, but felt we needed to. I got involved several years ago––what I should also point out is that I think that our perspective is unique to those who have gotten involved in some legislative issues there, and maybe gotten a little bit closer view and perspective on some of what’s been going on there, than folks who have not. Maybe––I mean, of course there are many people who’ve left California and become disenchanted with California for a variety of reasons. There are too many to list. You can take your pick. But I got involved in the mandatory vaccine legislation. In 2012, a law was passed that required parents get a doctor’s signature, a sanctioned health practitioner’s signature, in order to exempt their child from one or two or more, or all vaccines on the schedule, in order…
Thea (02:47):
Which in essence removed the authority of the parent to make health decisions for their children.
Anne (02:58):
Undoubtedly…and be allowed to send their child to school, public, or private or daycare. And then in 2015, I got very actively involved in opposing and trying to prevent another bill that was introduced and did subsequently pass, which eliminated the choice entirely. So parents could no longer exempt their child from one, two, many or all vaccines on the schedule, for personal belief or religious reasons.
Thea (03:49):
Can I ask a question? As far as I understand at that point, and I could be wrong was that it was simply philosophical choice. It seems that California had eliminated the religious choice.
Anne (04:06):
That’s all been kind of under debate. It was not, it was not listed, but religious belief fell under personal belief. Right?
Thea (04:22):
Anne (04:25):
But it was under debate and it was scrutinized and it was looked at from many different angles because of the fact that they did not eliminate, technically eliminate the religious exemption in that, you know, we looked at whether or not that could actually be put forth as a legal exemption. Anyway, that’s for another conversation. But bottom line is that after SB277 passed in 2015, you only have the option for a medical exemption in order to send your child to school, public or private or daycare, and that meant that even a two week old infant would not be allowed to attend daycare if they hadn’t been vaccinated with Hep B, which is a sexually transmitted disease, a vaccine ostensibly designed to prevent this, this sexually transmitted disease. I could go on. So we got very involved in that, and that was a real eye opener.
Anne (05:35):
And I’ve written about that. So I won’t go into all of the details in terms of the eye-opening experience that was, and then in 2019, another law was passed SB 276 that I will say for the record, so no one can say I’m speaking falsely––the medical exemption was not eliminated, but it was very restricted so that medical exemptions virtually exist in California in name only now in order for a child to attend school, public or private or daycare. Anyway, we, I also was involved in opposing legislation that was attempting to restrict my rights, as a homeschooling parent, to homeschool my children as I saw fit. And more and more and more. It almost seemed exponentially accelerating, this suppression of our sovereign rights as parents there in California. And I definitely did not want to keep raising my children there.
Thea (07:01):
And can I just throw one just time, space holder? When all of this was happening was in the midst of the big “Me Too boom” in the country. And it somehow never seemed to be able to become congruent with people who shout out “my body, my choice.” That only applies to something that externally is taken from you rather than something that is forcibly put upon you––and that is such a divide of understanding. So that was simultaneously happening. I think it just gives a picture of something ludicrous.
Anne (07:59):
That’s a good point to make, and on so many levels and on so many issues, there was so much that was incongruent. And so many of us that were actually working, petitioning––I wrote about this recently, after SB277 was passed in 2015, there was an effort to get a referendum to get that repealed, to get that on the ballot, but you need a certain number of signatures. And so many of us all over the state were you know, standing out front our markets, going to farmer’s markets, going to all sorts of public places to petition and talk to people about this law that most didn’t know about and try to get their signature to get this on the ballot so that the people decide this. And in that, that experience I’ve written about was the most eyeopening of them all.
Anne (09:02):
I realized that people were not very capable of having an actual critical discussion about the issue, but were parroting soundbites that they were reading in the mainstream press about this particular issue. And I started realizing that there was a very high level of indoctrination here at work. I call it brainwashing. Folks that I had previously considered thinking, critical thinkers, intelligent people––and what I’ll point out is we both lived in very educated, concentrated centers of California. And I mean, California itself was very known for being progressive and forward-thinking about health and alternative health and natural health and healthy living. And many of us were rudely awakened to the fact that that mentality was no longer part of the consciousness really. Only in surface, kind of name only––people still went to the organic food stores, but…
Thea (10:43):
It was living in the feel-good way. I think there’s something to that.
Anne (10:52):
It’s just all superficial. People wear it on their sleeve and they––you just brought up the Me Too thing, or basically identity politics. What I saw in California was that people were wearing an identity, an external identity that they did not live, believe, understand, or had even critically examined at all. So, yeah. And I mean, of course we can talk about just the politics of California. We can talk about the politics and, you know, the environmental, the environmentalism, the wokeness, the radical leftist, almost Marxist ideology that seems to be rapidly overtaking it. So that’s enough of a reason, alone. But what we want to talk about, and the reason I talk a little bit about my experience, our experience being actively involved in these legislative issues is because they were very specifically centered around infectious disease, at least a lot of it, and “medicine,” and the authority of the health departments of the state. And we saw what they were doing. Back then, it was horrifying.
Thea (12:32):
Anne (12:32):
And so we are seeing many folks now, friends of ours, peers who are just having that experience for the first time, realizing that the state is using medical fascism as their means of taking more and more control over our lives. And a lot of people don’t know what’s hit them. I mean, they’re just reeling from it. We were reeling from it, but we had some time to ramp up to that and to start looking around and seeing what is, and seeing how it was happening and seeing the propaganda.
I wasn’t going to go into any of this, but briefly, a friend, a dear one, family friend, friend, family member had posted an article. And I just saw the headline. It was on my Facebook feed a week or two ago. And I don’t remember what the title was. It was in the Atlantic and it was something about empathizing essentially––it was about empathizing or understanding the anti maskers. And I scrolled on by, I knew what it was. I’ve seen a million of these pieces, these hit pieces masquerading as something that they’re not, but it came up in a discussion involving this person. And I just brought it up again. And I said, “I saw this headline and just go with me on this and let me test this out. I didn’t open it. And I promise I didn’t read it.” And I predicted what it was. I predicted that it was a pretense of attempting to understand the anti masker and you know, with this pretense of benign purpose to empathize, to understand these “strange phenomenons of nature,” these anti maskers. And I said, “I bet it went into the demographics of the anti masker. I bet it was subtle and not overt, but painted them, as misinformed, as misguided, as politically motivated and above all incapable of understanding data and science. And then I predicted further, I just kind of, I predicted this whole layout. And what I pointed out was that what these articles do, if I was correct, is they remove the reader from the core argument. The core argument is “mask or no mask?” Or more importantly, “mask mandate,or no mask mandate?”
Anne (16:17):
But in its clever PSYOP propaganda way, it establishes mask wearers as good, non-mask wearers as “not good” as its premise. It’s already the foundation. It’s already the premise. That’s not even discussed. It’s implicit in this pseudo highbrow analysis of the non-mask wearer and the psychology of that anti mask wearer. Or that anti masker, that non mask wearer. And so it it’s insidious and it’s clever. And so I really just digressed, but I’ve seen this for years with the anti-vax…
Thea (16:57):
It’s the propaganda. It is the method and way it is laid out, and it is clever. And so being able to identify it and see it before you even have to go through it is huge because that means you are not then in the loop of it. You’re able to have some objectivity to see clearly with.
Anne (17:27):
And so what I’d like to just throw out there for folks who may not know––I mean, you and I’ve talked about this to varying degrees over the last several months, but so many folks cannot even imagine, even if they’re reading all of the restrictions that Newsom has imposed, all the tiers and all of the craziness––even if they’re reading that, they cannot conceive of what it’s like to live there in California, especially in those areas in the Bay area, the San Francisco Bay area, in Los Angeles,
Thea (18:09):
The coastal areas…
Anne (18:09):
In coastal California, in the urban and gentrified, heavy, concentrated areas of coastal California. That’s what it is. And there are pockets of more conservative, and resistance, counties, but by and large, it’s insanity. You can hardly walk down the street––and I’m saying this because I haven’t been there for a few months––it was already whacked by the time I left, but my whole community is still there. You can’t walk down the street and see more than one or two unmasked faces if you’re lucky! Outside! On hiking trails! Right?
Thea (19:00):
Yes. I mean, not only California.
Anne (19:03):
I know. The West Coast, and those areas in all of the Western States.
Thea (19:10):
Outside. Alone.
Anne (19:12):
And, I mean, you can’t go into a store in Marin County wearing a neck Gator, you can’t wear a face shield. That’s not acceptable unless you put a mask on underneath it. It has to be CDC approved.
Thea (19:34):
Can I ask you, I recall, when did the mask, I mean, it’s all such a blur. When things shut down last spring and I was coastal, they closed the beaches so people couldn’t walk on the sand, masks were not mandated yet, right? That, that came later.
Anne (20:00):
Mmmhmm. But not much later. Certainly in Marin, they were encouraged and recommended. By the time we left, it was already moving toward the mandate. They did it in increments. And I knew the moment the health department started encouraging them, they would be a mandate.
Thea (20:25):
Yep. And then this was the thing that I think we wanted to touch upon. The rest of the country, world, whoever thinks California’s been doing something, right, have a look again. Because they’ve had the strictest measures since the get-go, and here they are, again, completely shut down. Completely.
Anne (20:49):
So I just want to run through this a little bit more though. They removed all of the basketball, the nets from the hoops or completely barricaded it all off. All the playgrounds were closed.
Thea (21:14):
All the caution tape surrounding them, shutting them down. This is what was happening. These were “smart health measures.”
Anne (21:20):
This was from March. I mean, I lived in the county that was one of the six that Newsom ordered the first shelter in place in the whole country. And we were, that day that it happened, camping locally. And the Rangers came and told us we had to leave. So we’re there out in this gorgeous Redwood campground very far away from another, we had to leave because it was “safer for us to be in our homes right, than out there in nature.” There was no one on the streets, right? t was like a ghost town. It was crazy.
Thea (22:03):
Post apocalyptic is what it was.
Anne (22:06):
Quickly people were reporting even families. A family was out at the baseball field, not far from where we lived in our neighborhood, playing baseball just with each other. They were reported to the authorities for being out there mingling. Marin County and many other counties have a snitch line. They have their own dedicated snitch line to report all of these violations. Different towns have had social distancing ambassadors outside in the streets, making sure people stay sufficiently apart. One of my friends in Marin still, who was sitting with her friend out at the park––and this was in the spring––sitting outside in the park, the city park, certainly not knee to knee, were approached by a cop to put masks on. And she knew what the orders were. And she said, “Well, I’ll just move back so I’m six feet apart.” And she talked to him a little bit more and he said, “If you were walking, it would be okay. But when you’re sitting, you have to be masked. Like that makes sense.
Thea (23:21):
None of these measures make sense, whatever they are, the back and forth of every part of it. You know, being somewhere where you can’t use paper and pen, but then you can use the electronic pen to sign your signature.
Anne (23:48):
So, you know it’s my suspicion that it’s actually designed to screw with people. I think that in of itself is a PSYOP. I don’t think it’s by mistake. I think it’s designed to just put people in such a state of dissonance that they can’t even think straight, and it will make them more compliant. But, the schools were closed. Virtual learning has been in place since the spring––since March, right?––in California. The playgrounds in Marin only just opened up like a month ago with these crazy restrictions––half an hour limit, mandatory masks, no food and drink, kids had to practice social distancing. So you couldn’t interact or mingle with someone who’s not from your family unit at the, at the outdoor playgrounds in Marin, just recently. Yet they still just now had “a surge,” and had to shut down.
Anne (24:52):
So definitely, Folks, understand that for what––nine months?––California has been the most restricted, restrictive, crazy place to live in terms of these “COVID control measures.” And it now has “a surge” that requires complete shutdown. So first of all, recognize that these measures are obviously not working to “control the surge” or “control the spread,” right? That’s the first thing. But also recognize that compliance with these measures brings more measures. It brings more and more restrictions. I’m not sure what people think the end game is here––those who are happily complying, and I know there are many. And the other thing I’d like to point out that was the biggest eye-opener for me over the last several years in California, was how compliant the educated folk were. And despite knowing how compliant they were and how bought in to the Pharma propaganda, it’s knocked me off my feet to see how compliant they’ve been with allowing so many people’s lives to be destroyed and their own to be completely restricted and inhuman. So having said that, it is again, more important than ever that we do not comply anymore.
Thea (26:30):
That we stand up and create a boundary, a protection, a moment to say, “This will not happen. No. Stop.” Because until we do it continues to go on and on and on.
Anne (27:09):
I know. And we talked about this––you thought about Gandalf in this, right? That the time has come, where we all need to put our staves down.
Thea (27:23):
To gather up our strength in that staff, right? Just to really be clear, you must gather your power and stand it, to ward off that which is trying to breach your safe, sovereign space. That is what’s happening over and over in our life right now. And if we don’t stand up and take it, we are staying asleep. We are being unconsciously sacrificed into these rituals that are taking power for those that are in power, taking more power. The more one is compliant and submissive, they’re giving it away, giving it away. And we have to have the courage to stand up and be willing to sacrifice what is necessary for our sacrifice in order to maintain a freedom of the individual, of the human being. Not to sacrifice ourselves mindlessly blindly into the machine of power.
Anne (28:45):
Yes, we have to consciously sacrifice. We talked about sacrifice last week. We have to consciously be prepared to sacrifice, to take action and to sacrifice, and put our staff down and say, “You shall not pass.” “No more.” Rather than be sacrificed. I think that’s the distinction that we’re getting at. If you comply with this insanity, and again, look at California, which has been absolutely restricted from March on, and they are now totally shutting down again. You have to ask yourself what sense any of that makes. You have to really look at that. And I’m saying, if you have any care to retain your sovereignty, because I can see that a lot of people don’t. And I don’t know where that’s going to lead and where it’s going to lead them, but I know a lot of people do. So time to stop clinging to this cheap morality that the corporate media is handing you, and comforting you with. It’s time for you to take a real hard look at what is happening and realize that you’ve got no time. You’ve got to stop complying, now, if you don’t want it to turn into California. And more and more. It’s endless, what’s going to happen, if we don’t stop complying.
Thea (30:38):
That machine is never satisfied. I was having a conversation with one of my children today about the void that an intellectualism or materialism––that which is without spirit or God. And it will incessantly feed, but it will never be satisfied. And that is why we have to stand our ground and say, “No.”
Anne (31:15):
And claim our divine right.
Thea (31:17):
Anne (31:21):
So let’s cut it here. I know, again, I don’t know how rambling or interesting this was to anyone, but it was important to get it off of our chests and just get that conversation moving forward. We know. I predicted so much once the moment that first shelter in place was announced, I knew where things would go.
Thea (31:46):
Anne (31:47):
Based on my experience over the last few years. So I’m not coming out of nowhere and saying that. I say that with experience, and there are so many who share my experience and share that wisdom and some who did much more than me and saw it even more closely. So please trust me when I say to stop complying and to claim our divine right.
Thea (32:19):
And shine the light and keep shining the light. We have to shine it into those dark spaces. It’s the time for us to be doing that with, with conviction.
Anne (32:33):
Yeah. Conviction and clarity.
Thea (32:36):
Anne (32:37):
All right. Well, let’s cut this and, I’ll see you later. Love you.
Thea (32:44):
Love you.
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